Britt Vergnolle
January 1, 2023

What a year 2022 has given all of us here at BDV Solutions, our foreign national clients, and our employer sponsors.  It was a year of great successes and growth, but also a year of significant delays by the Department of Labor.

The 2022 numbers speak for themselves…

·      44 new Employer Sponsors

·      23 U.S. states of job locations

·      431 Green Cards issued

·      39 meetings with DOL, USCIS and U.S. State Department officials on behalf of our sponsors and foreign nationals

·      14 meetings with elected officials on behalf of our sponsors and foreign nationals

·      704 foreign nationals hired by their sponsors to alleviate the US chronic labor shortages in entry level, essential jobs

·      106 different countries our foreign nationals originated

·      $1.2 million + invested in Government Relations efforts to advocate for our foreign nationals and employer sponsors

BDV Solutions is dedicated to providing international mobility solutions to mitigate endemic labor shortages in the U.S. and deliver socially conscientious migration solutions for foreign nationals. We back up our commitment to fight for you and your immigration application through our impressive Government Relations team which includes former U.S. Dept of State officials, a former Director of USCIS, and former U.S. Ambassadors to lead our lobbying and advocacy efforts in Washington, DC.

At BDV, we experienced tremendous growth by growing our team by 27 people in 2022.  BDV also acquired Argo Visa that provides a unique and specialized service of visa interview preparation by former consular officers.  We also moved into new, larger offices in downtown Greenville to accommodate our growth and host our distinguished guest such as the Governor of South Carolina and representatives of Congress.

Thank you for your trust as we guide you through the challenging maze of legal U.S. immigration and processes.  We value your trust and we do not take it for granted.  We continue to advocate for our clients and employer sponsors every day and take great pride in what we do and how we do it.

All the very best to you and your family in 2023.

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